
Its official- I am a Veterinary Physiotherapist!

After weeks of waiting for written confirmation, I am super excited to announce that I have passed all my exams and am now a fully qualified Veterinary Physiotherapist. It has been 2 of the most difficult academic years of my life, but SO worth the achievement of my dream job at the end.

I want to address the big question I am frequently asked- what is the difference between massage and physiotherapy?

First and foremost, the duration and level of study required to qualify as a physio is significantly higher than that of a massage therapist. I have spent 2 years studying at Masters level in order to obtain my veterinary-recognised qualification.

During this time, I have gained a wealth of in-depth knowledge and understanding of animal anatomy, physiology and biomechanics, which has improved my ability to carefully assess and treat each animal by piecing together observations from conformation, the way an animal moves, its behaviour, farriery, saddle fit… the list goes on. 

After 2 years of developing these skills, I can confidently identify and prescribe appropriate, beneficial exercise programmes and followup advice for owners to suit each animal’s needs. I will be spending the next year conducting an independent piece of research to gain my full Master’s qualification.

Secondly… treatment options!

Massage and stretching still is (and always will be) a major part of my treatment regimes. Many of you will have experienced the benefits of massage and stretching programmes for your horses to reduce stiffness, pain, and improve performance. This will always be the case, and has been for thousands of years.

As a physiotherapist, the effects of massage and stretching  are improved with the use of alternative therapies.

Laser therapy

Laser is the treatment modality I am most excited to work with. It penetrates the skin to target cells within muscle, tendon, ligament and bone to increase their activity and promote healing.

It also targets nerve cells to reduce pain- be it painful arthritis in a joint, or the pain associated with muscle spasms and trigger points, ultimately reducing muscle tension.


Did you know that a TENS machine can be used on animals? They are a great way to cause temporarily pain relief, but used frequently within a home programme, can cause long-term pain relief from symptoms such as back pain or tight muscles. As a physio, I can show you exactly how to incorporate machines such as TENS and NEMS into your animal’s routine to maintain the effects of physiotherapy sessions.  

I am very grateful for your ongoing support- so thank you! If you have any questions, or would like to book an appointment, don’t hesitate to contact me.